How passwords are cracked: Rainbow Tables

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Cryptographic Hash Functions

Cryptographic hash functions are the things that turn your passwords into less interpretable and random looking output. The SHA-256 function will, for example, give you (in hexadecimal)


if you use mycat123 as your password. This looks random, but it’s actually not. In fact, you will get the same hexadecimal value every time you enter mycat123. That’s one of the nice properties of cryptographic hash functions. There could be other words that produce that hexadecimal output, but it’s computationally difficult to find them. You would have to go through each possible combination of letters and numbers and symbols (the alphabet of things that make up a password) in order to find the words that produce a given output. If you know the alphabet/vocabulary needs to be all lowercase letters and numbers, this might help you.

When you log-in to a website, the site only stores the hash (the output of the cryptographic function) permanently and your original password (such as mycat123) is only used temporarily to check if it produces the expected hash. So when a website gets broken into, the hashes are the only things, usually, which could be stolen, not your original passwords. Arguable, the hashes are useless to gain entrance into the website. This is really the nicest property of these functions — in order to compute the inverse, you have to try almost all possible input words and any computer will not be able to hold enough word to hash pairs for all possible phrases except short ones and common ones (such as from an English dictionary). But this really is the interesting thing about rainbow tables — you can greatly compress such pairs and you can inverse many hashes quite efficiently.

Rainbow Tables

A rainbow table is an attempt to compress your password cracking data structure. The overall idea is to partition the space of all possible inputs, or more concretely, the space of all possible passwords, and store each partition efficiently. There is a trade-off, you will be able to use less memory at the expense of not being able to look up the inverse to every hash as quickly as if you stored the whole data structure without the rainbow table trick. So there is a computational cost involved and the first trick is to be able to generate new passwords from hashes and this is where reduction functions come in.

Reduction Functions

A reduction function is simply a function that maps from the space of outputs of a hash function back into the space of inputs of a hash function. If SHA-256 produces


when you type in mycat123, then a reduction function R will produce something like greenforest55 when you type in


It’s critical to note that R does not give you back the original password — it’s not the inverse of our hash function H, it’s simply a function that maps back into the domain of H (it gives you another possible password).

As you might predict at this point, we use reduction functions along with our original hash function to create a chain of input to output pairs. We might do something like

\text{cat123} \; \underrightarrow{H} \; \text{0e02...} \; \underrightarrow{R} \; \text{forest} \; \underrightarrow{H} \; \text{e5ab...} \; \underrightarrow{R} \; \text{lamp123} \; \underrightarrow{H} \; \ldots \; \underrightarrow{R} \; \text{foo}.

So again, the reduction function R is not an inverse of H, but simply a map from the range of H back into the domain of H. It would be nice to have some more certain properties.

First of all, we want to reliable map a hash back into a word. This makes our hash-reduction chains deterministic. This also means that given a starting word, we can generate the whole sequence of word-to-hash-to-word tuples on the fly. This is how we will partition our space of all possible passwords, by hash-reduction chains up to some size k. We need to put further restrictions on exactly what possible passwords are generated by the reduction function.

If R maps consistently back into forest, our hash-reduction chains will quickly start a cycle (right after the first iteration) and in order to partition the whole space of passwords, we will need a chain for each password — not much of a compression technique. So R, just like H, should produce output that’s more or less uniformly distributed. Moreover, if we know the restrictions on the types of passwords used (e.g. every password is alphanumeric), then H should map into valid passwords only.

Generating i-th Word

The usual method to ensure that the H is uniform over [0, P) for some large integer P is to simply convert some hashvalue to decimal and mod by P. Here’s an example of a reduction function back into [0, 1000).

def R(hashvalue_in_hex):
  i = int(hashvalue_in_hex, 16) % 10000
  return i

There is an assumption that the last 4-digits of the hashvalue are themselves uniform and so truncating to those digits gives a uniform distribution.

Fine, so now we can make a function R that maps from hexadecimal hashvalues to a set of integers in the range [0, P), how do we then use this to map into the space of valid passwords only?

If we could list all valid passwords (letting there be P possibilities), we could number them from 0 to P-1 and then, once we get our decimal number in the range from 0 to P-1, we just take the corresponding valid password. This is a great reduction function already and for the purposes of this blog post, this is really sufficient, but there’s a caveat for scaling our algorithm. We do not want to list all valid passwords. In fact, we are implicitly working under the assumption that we cannot physically store the passwords in memory. We must find a way to generate an i-th valid password in some abstract list of passwords which we do not keep at any given time. Let’s try to come up with a way to get the i-th valid password in the list of passwords which is sorted in lexicographic order. Here’s an example of how this might look like.

Let vocab = 'abc' and we are interested in getting the 5th valid length 4 password over this alphabet/vocabulary. Listing the possibilities in lexicographic order,

  • aaa | 0
  • aab | 1
  • aac | 2
  • aba | 3
  • abb | 4
  • abc | 5
  • aca | 6,

we see that abc is the 5th valid word that we want to generate on the fly. Please note that the decimal number 5 is really 012 written in base 3. Since our vocabulary is of length 3, we can interpret any base 3 number as a direction to get one of three letters for each position. In this case, 012 says to put 0th letter, followed by the 1st letter, and finally followed by the 2nd letter in our vocab = 'abc'. This, as a coincidence, gives us abc. Additionally, decimal number 6 is 020 in base 3 which gives us the element aca.

This idea completes our reduction function which is very convenient if we know the alphabet/vocabulary of all passwords a priori. Here is a Python example of how to do just this if i is a decimal hashvalue and we want to get the corresponding password as the output of our reduction function R(i).

def base10_to_baseB(num, B):
  digits = []
  while num > 0:
    p = math.floor(math.log2(num) / math.log2(B))
    d = math.floor(num / (B ** p))
    num = num - d * B ** p
    if not digits:
      digits = [0] * (p + 1)
    digits[len(digits) - 1 - p] = d
  return digits
choices = base10_to_baseB(i, len(vocab))
word = [vocab[j] for j in [0 for _ in range(0, n - len(choices))] + choices]
word = ''.join(word)

The above snippet generates the i-th word in lexicographic order from the space of all possible words with a vocabulary of vocab (a Python string).

So the reduction function will combine the two ideas from above: we get a uniformly distributed decimal number in [0, P) by truncating the previous hash and then generating the corresponding valid word given that we know the alphabet/vocabulary and, in this blog post, the length of the password desired (which is n in the above snippet).

Computing the Chains

Now that we have a stable way to generate long sequences of hash to word values, we do just that up to some length k. We will continue to assume that there are P possible passwords and, if we have chains of k, then we have P/k chains total. Since we can generate the whole chain from the starting position (remember that our two functions H and R are deterministic), we need only to store the beginnings and the endings of each chain in our compressed data structure.

Given some new hashvalue that we would like to reverse, we simply iteratively compute R then H then R then … on the hashvalue until we reach one of the P/k endings that we precomputed or if don’t find anything in at most k such iterations, we say that the “Attack has failed”. If we found the ending, then our data structure also contains the beginning of that chain. So we use the beginning and again apply H then R then H then … until we hash some word that gives us our hashvalue that we would like to reverse. At this point we cracked the password.

There are some subtleties that can happen. Different chains, even from different starting words, may merge as we really do have very little control over the output of our reduction function. As such, we might end up wasting computing time calculating any two similar chains. The next idea of rainbow tables is to actually use multiple reduction functions R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_L and alternate between them when computing the chain like

\text{cat123} \; \underrightarrow{H} \; \text{0e02...} \; \underrightarrow{R_1} \; \text{forest} \; \underrightarrow{H} \; \text{e5ab...} \; \underrightarrow{R_2} \; \text{lamp123} \; \underrightarrow{H} \; \ldots \; \underrightarrow{R_j} \; \text{foo}.

for some j \leq k. It’s not immediately clear, but by using multiple reduction functions, we eliminate the possibility of two chains forever merging together as the values must not only be the same at some iterations in two chains, as with only one reduction function, but also must be followed by the same reduction function of which there are now L choices. So collisions are roughly L times less likely.

Finally, we cannot guarantee that a given hashvalue will be present in any of the chains because our starting words are a random sample of size P/k from all P possible words. Thus we cannot guarantee that there will be some sequence of hash-reduction pairs that will map some starting word to the password that produces a given hashvalue that we might be interested in reversing. However, we can tolerate the inability of finding the inverse for some hashvalues at the advantage of being able to efficiently find the passwords for the other hashvalues by only preprocessing this rainbow table data structure once and then using it to look up hashvalues quickly; not too mention, since we can control the length k of the chain, we can control the aggressiveness of the compression provided by this rainbow table data structure.

Even more interesting is that although rainbow tables seem to be an algorithmic nightmare to the supposedly secure transactions that we do every day, they can easily be defeated if a website that you use salts the password, effectively generating a different cryptographic hash function for each user. The benefit of using rainbow tables in this case is eliminated.

All ideas summarized above are available as a Python script here as a GitHub gist : Note: I attempt to generalize the ideas above in the case that some chains do merge for one reason or another by storing the rainbow table in a Python dictionary. Each key is the ending of a chain with a value of a list of starting words (which generate chains that end at the key).

Space and time complexities of the script.

  • Let V be the size of the vocabulary (number of unique letters in the Python string vocab)
  • Let n be the desired password length
  • Let k be the desired length of the chains (linearly proportional to the compression ratio)
  • Let S be the number of reduction functions used (the Python script defines a number of salts and uses a different salt per reduction function effectively making new reduction functions)
  • Then P = V^n, the number of possible passwords
  • Then O(P), the time to generate the rainbow table
  • Then O(P/k), the space to store the rainbow table (the original space without using the rainbow table tricks would be O(P)) because we only keep a constant number of values per the number of chains
  • Finally, the computation of the inverse for a given hashvalue is O(Sk) since we have to perform at most k steps for each of the S reduction functions. The original password is not guaranteed to be found.

1 thought on “How passwords are cracked: Rainbow Tables

  1. Hello,
    Thanks for the reduction explinations, but would it be possible to get the Reduction-function in Java code?
    How would we store those end-hashes? would we need a treeMap for the start and end text?
    Thanks again

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